Our lives are characterised by many crossroad moments when we are called to make a decision: yes or no; commit or walk away. These happen in our personal and professional lives alike. Crossroad moments are important, demanding that we make a choice, leading us to what’s next in our lives.
This podcast is about a crossroad moment from my professional development when I transitioned into a new career. There are some interesting lessons and questions that come up when you are taking a risk or changing direction.
This Podcast Covers:
- Curiosity
- Overcoming fear
- Supportability
- Vulnerability
- Courage
- Discomfort
- Transitioning
- Vision
- Choice
“Most of our real growth takes place on the fringes of discomfort when we are courageous enough to step into new spaces, do new things, or do things differently.”
Nikki Bush, Human Potential and Parenting Expert
“Crossroad moments are often uncomfortable, and we have to do some real soul searching to get to the point of decision.”
Nikki Bush, Human Potential and Parenting Expert
“These transitions are about change. They’re about stepping out of the known into the discomfort of the unknown. We often shy away from change because of the discomfort. When we start new things or take on new positions, we will go through a period of feeling incompetent or unconfident because it’s not a place where we’ve been before.”
Nikki Bush, Human Potential and Parenting Expert
“The thought of branching off in a new direction was exciting and terrifying, but my curiosity got the better of me. I was ready to take a calculated risk and was in the mood for growth.”
Nikki Bush, Human Potential and Parenting Expert
“Sometimes we say no to new opportunities because we’re actually scared of what might happen. And sometimes we need to say yes to something new to help us to become bigger than we were before; to stop playing small. I was in a real comfort zone. It was time for a shift.”
Nikki Bush, Human Potential and Parenting Expert
“When we choose a new path, we cannot predict what new opportunities and possibilities may be revealed. I don’t believe that I would be doing the work I’m doing today had I not taken that risk on myself and switched careers; had I not walked through that door of opportunity at that time in my life.”
Nikki Bush, Human Potential and Parenting Expert
“No experience is ever wasted, lost, or forgotten. We are always laying track for what comes next. Don’t be scared of crossroad moments. They get you where you need to go next.”
Nikki Bush, Human Potential and Parenting Expert
“Yes, we have to ask ourselves some questions and really dig deep inside ourselves. For me, self-growth is always the key. It’s not always about the money. In fact, research shows that money is not the primary reason people shift jobs.”
Nikki Bush, Human Potential and Parenting Expert
“So, what is your driver if you are currently facing a crossroad moment in your life? Is it curiosity? Or is it fear? That’s a really great question to ask yourself.”
Nikki Bush, Human Potential and Parenting Expert
Enjoy My Blog; Crossroad Moments: How To Flourish In Time Of Change
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