Back to school sanity saver #4
Back to school sanity saver #4 #4 BE STATIONERY SAVVY Keep a supply of basics so that you are not running to the shops every five minutes. These are some of the key items that have saved me time and [...]
Back to school sanity saver #4 #4 BE STATIONERY SAVVY Keep a supply of basics so that you are not running to the shops every five minutes. These are some of the key items that have saved me time and [...]
Back to school sanity saver #3 #3 STASH SOME CASH The beginning of the school year is a very expensive exercise: books and stationery must be purchased and then the dreaded costly school uniforms which really don't come cheap, especially [...]
Back to school sanity saver #2 #2 COOK TWO FREEZE ONE As a busy parent there is nothing worse than getting to the end of the day and having to think about what's for dinner. At this point you are [...]