This simple messy play recipe will have children of all ages, and adults too, completely fascinated and engaged. With just three household ingredients you can create hours of fun for the whole family. A great idea for the April school holidays.

Two year olds will just love the sensory, messy experience while 7 – 10 year olds will be wondering just how it is that something can turn so quickly from a solid to a liquid and back again. On minute, slime is running through your fingers and, the next, you are rolling it into a ball!

Recipe for cornflour slime

  • Two cups of water
  • Two cups of cornflour
  • Food colouring

What to do:

  1. Pour the cornflour into a bowl
  2. Add the water and mix together with your hands
  3. Slowly add the food colouring, a few drops at a time, until you get the desired colour
  4. Pour, scoop and drip slime onto a plastic tray, plastic table, kitchen counter top
  5. When cleaning up, you can just scoop it up into a ball
  6. Watch the video below from Dave Hax about how to make this amazing magic goo