Autumn leaves can provide lots of opportunity for creative fun at very little cost. Here are a few of my favourite ideas for this season. And the best part is that you can do this together, creating some autumn memories that fill your child’s emotional cup, leaving you all with a warm glow of togetherness.


Leaf Doodles

I find it fascinating what little hands can create when equipped with a sharpie. Spend an afternoon in the garden, collecting leaves, press them and let your child’s creativity run wild. Write special notes, wishes or goals on them. This activity is something the entire family can take part in.


Autumn Leaves, preferably pressed

Metallic markers

Mod Podge

See the instructions here

Image source: ArtfulParent

Leaf mobile/sun catcher

This project combines wonderfully with the first project. Take the leaves your child has doodled on and laminate them. Cut them out and punch a hole through the top. Simply feed a fine cotton thread through the holes and you’ll have a gorgeous autumn sun catcher.





Hole punch

See more beautiful autumn mobile ideas here

Image source: artful adventures

Salt Crystal Leaves

This craft project combines science and curiosity with creativity – the best kind of DIY projects if you ask me. Your child only requires 5 items and some patience to create these fascinating crystallised leaves.



Pipe cleaners or fall leaves




 See the instructions here

Image Source: Living Well Mom

Quirky leaf animals

I am sure you can remember having created at least one picture using items found in the garden when you were a child. From porcupines to wolves, insects to birds… the options can stretch as far as your child’s imagination allows. Why not draw little faces on the leaves and turn them into puppets for an autumn garden play?






Any other art and craft materials required to create the picture

See 15 creative dry leaf collage ideas to inspire your child

Image source: My desired home

DIY Leaf Bowl

Parents will enjoy making this DIY leaf bowl as well, if not more than their kids!  With a bowl, leaves, Mod Podge and plastic wrap, this bowl will make an elegant addition to any family dinner table.


Autumn leaves, preferably artificial

Krylon Triple Thick Glaze

Mod Podge Matte

Plastic Wrap

Plastic Bowl


See instructions here

Image source: Crafts unleashed

Autumn Jar Candle Holders

Another project parents and children will love; this elegant candle holder will warm up every child’s room. With a bit of Mod Podge and leaves little hands can completely transform old jam jars, a beautiful and affordable ‘making fun out of nothing’ project.



Sponge brush


Mod Podge

See instructions here   

Image source: Homesteading