Here we are at the beginning of 2022! We must make space for success in the New Year: out with the old and in with the new. What I mean is that we need to switch the energy around and declutter a bit, so that ideas and abundance can flow.

International tidying expert, Mari Kondo, says that we need to create a ‘power spot’ – a space full of good energy and intentions; a joy-sparking space for life and work. You can have as many power spots as you want – but you should have at least one!

I want you to look at a few ‘spaces’ that I think are important so that you can start with a fresh slate’, so to speak.


Whether you are working from your home or are back in the office, it’s important to shift the energy. After all, we are energetic beings and we are influenced by old, stuck energy. Your physical space is the easiest place to start.

Here are some of the things I have done in my workspace to prepare for the new year:

  • Shake things – rugs, cushions and throws, to remove the old energy (and dust)
  • Wash anything that needs a wash
  • Get into your cupboards and find things you haven’t used for a while
    • I found a glass bowl and filled it with hydrangea blooms from the garden
    • I found a pottery dish and filled it with rock roses from my garden (you can steal from your friends too)
  • Place a new candle in your office/workspace with matches or a lighter so that you can light it when you have an ‘aha’ moment
  • Buy a new pot plant (I got a gorgeous one)
  • Move your furniture around – it changes how you think and feel
  • Change your cushions or rug or try a new lick of paint
  • My mum is a decorator and into Feng Shui. She says you need to move your desk around to face the door that people walk in, and abundance will flow in. But, sit with your back to the door and you will block the abundance.

You want to create a space you like being in. After all, you are in your office for many more of your waking hours a day than anywhere else. Marie Kondo says that having a power spot comes with responsibility. You’re in charge of the items you put there, and keeping it clean and full of good energy. Once you’ve established your space, tend to it regularly – wiping down surfaces, dusting frames and replacing objects that no longer spark joy. Marie’s current power spot is a small workstation in her bedroom – decorated with flowers, crystals and pictures drawn by her children; it’s a sacred nook where she recharges. She freshens the flowers every week and makes space for new handmade treasures.


We have amazing smart devices – pieces of artificial intelligence or intelligent assistance in our back pockets or handbags. They are also very cluttered and we can run out of storage space or not be able to find things easily if we don’t declutter them on a regular basis. It’s amazing how this poor management or use of space can lead to unnecessary worry and anxiety.

  • Make sure you back up your phone on a regular basis
  • Photos and videos
    • Delete what you don’t want
    • Copy those you are keeping into the cloud or onto an external storage device
  • Memory/storage space
    • After sorting out your photos and videos, do you have enough storage space?
  • Apps you have gathered over the previous year
    • Delete those you don’t use
    • Re-order what you do use, so that the most used come up first
  • Passwords
    • Check that they are all working
    • Store them in a secure password which will ensure protection and peace of mind.


What can we do to create peace of mind? Without peace of mind, you leak energy worrying. Sort some of these energy-sucking essentials out, and you will feel less anxious. This is how I clear space in my head:

  • Get your affairs in order
    • Do it now at the beginning of the year instead of worrying about them for the rest of the year
    • Download my What If File Checklist here to get you on track
      • There are over 40 items you need to consider to kickstart this process
      • Gather all your important documents in one place online or in a paper file in case a ‘what-if’ moment should strike (for example, a dreaded disease diagnosis, accident, long-term illness, inability to work, death, etc)
    • If you don’t have a will – get one sorted, now!
      • Only 25% of people have a will – most say they just haven’t got around to creating one
    • Take the time to do this, you will be amazed at how much lighter you will feel
  • Book an appointment with your financial advisor
    • Familiarise yourself with your policies and what they cover
    • Stop paying for cover you don’t need
    • Make sure you kickstart the discipline of putting a percentage of income into investments every month for your future
      • This is different to putting money into policies; it’s about growing wealth and making your money work for you
  • Go through your bank account
    • Stop paying for services you don’t use
    • What else could you do with that money that would serve you better?

As the human potential and parenting expert who helps individuals and teams to flourish at both work and life, whatever the disruption, I present both business and parenting talks (and often a combination of the two, because leading teams at work and home is not that different). My clients really appreciate my unusual ability to straddle the two worlds of work and home.

I can help your organisation too. Book me for my talk, Flourishing in the Face of Constant Change or Happy Juice for Teams, or my parenting talk, Let Go and Let Grow. Click here to make an enquiry.

You can get a copy of my book, Future-proof Yourself here.

Much love,
Nikki Bush
Human Potential and Parenting Expert helping you to win at work and life