When families go back to school at the beginning of each academic year, it’s about new beginnings and getting back to routine or what we term as ‘normal’. It’s also characterised by lots of change:
- New school
- New classroom
- New teacher
- New friends
- New subjects
- New timetable, etc
Change can be stressful and cause anxiety, not just for children but for their parents too. Everyone is learning to adapt and needs to do so at speed in order to get back into ‘the productivity zone’. We all do this in our own way and some families find it easier than others. Dealing with the back to school bombshell effectively requires:
- Calmness
- Preparedness
- Organisation
- Clear thinking
- Emotional connection
My guide for helping you and your family get back-to-school ‘nicely’
My ebook called Back-to-School Sanity Savers is your lifesaver and companion for this time of the year. It’s dedicated it to, today’s time-starved busy parents – that’s most of you! You are raising your children with less time and energy than any previous generation of parents ever has, but your parenting role is just as big and important, if not more so, than it ever was.
It is for pre- and primary school parents to help you with every new beginning, whether it’s a new school year or a new term.
What’s in it?
- 12 short chapters each focusing on a specific sanity saver that will save you time, energy and your sanity
- Routine (Death to Supermom & Superdad, How to calm the morning madness, Surviving suicide hour and creating automatic habits)
- Managing first term jitters
- Cook two freeze one (recipes and a meal planner and shopping list templates)
- Stash some cash
- Be stationery savvy
- Create a prop box
- Get with the programme (Parental involvement counts more than you think, Helping children go for their personal best)
- Enocuraging independence (Turning a helpless child into a helpful child, Hands on confidence – life skills your kids should have by age 12)
- Weekly planning checklists
- Homework and boundaries
- Shoulder-to-shoulder parenting (Face to face time, School – it’s their place, honour it)
- How to become parent-fit
- 3 exclusive podcasts recorded for this book
- 6 downloadable templates to help with your daily and weekly planning (to do lists, shopping lists, meal planning, media planning for kids, etc)
- 10 of my favourite family recipes
“This ebook is a must read for every 21st century parent with too little time and in desperate need of some support and guidance! Who better to share a concise and comprehensive collection of time- and energy-saving parenting guidelines, than creative parenting expert, Nikki Bush. She is an entrepreneur and mother of two busy teenage sons and is a self-professed ‘parent on the run’, just like so many of you.
“In her trademark style Nikki manages to cut through the clutter, in Back-to-School Sanity Savers, highlighting and exploring 12 key parenting issues that, as a school principal, I see parents wrestling with every day. This quick and easy-to-read ebook is just bursting with practical ideas and creative solutions to 21st century parenting challenges, interwoven with Nikki’s down-to-earth, deeply insightful and very accessible parenting philosophies. Listen to Nikki’s wise words in the podcasts, read her solutions in print and experiment in your kitchen with her scrumptious recipes.
“For as long as I have known her, Nikki has always been passionate about the role of parents in the lives of their children and in helping them to stay connected to one other, no matter how fast the world around them is changing. At the core of Nikki’s valuable work is a deep-rooted desire to inspire parents to experience more joy while on their parenting adventure, and never to underestimate their role in preparing their children for the future. This preparation takes place in everyday interactions you have with your child, even when you are rushed off your feet and running from pillar to post.
“Our children are our gateway into the future and as parents we need to ensure that we honour the child while participating in the process of guiding and supporting them to successful, independent maturity. Back-to-School Sanity Savers will assist us to do just that. Remember this: each one of you is a mere 12 short chapters away from being a better parent – you need to read this book for your sanity’s sake.”
Margot van Ryneveld Principal, Stepping Stones Pre-primary & Sandhurst Preparatory College Johannesburg
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