Ready To Go Primary school Volume 1 is a selection of 10 articles for use in your preschool newsletters consisting of the following titles
- Avoid Triple S Syndrome (children need to avoid a solitary, sedentary, screen-based existence)
- Children shine at different times (perfect for helping families deal with award/prize-giving)
- From mad to glad (parents do not need to keep their children perpetually happy)
- Monkey see, monkey do (what parents do and say must be congruent)
- Pick me ups for the brain (simple activities to wake up your child’s brain for better concentration)
- Reaching your child’s head through the funny bone (humour is a great parenting tool)
- Software alone can’t protect your child from stupidity (relationship – the safety app you can’t buy)
- What do you wish for your child? (happiness and success, or resourcefulness and resilience?)
- What does over-exposure look like to you? (how much screen time is too much?)
- When stop letting them beat you (we prepare our children by nurturing and challenging them)
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