Future-Proof Your Child For The 2020s And Beyond

How to raise children in disruptive times.

future proof your child‘Mommy, Daddy, what should I be when I grow up?’ This is the question every child asks when they begin to develop a sense of the future, and it’s never been harder for parents or educators to answer, than it is right now. This century is characterised by disruptive change that is turning our world upside down. Jobs aren’t just changing, but whole industries are ceasing to exist. The scripts for success and failure are being rewritten on a daily basis in our families, at work and in life. Do parents know who and what their children need to be, let alone what they might be able to do, in the future world of work?

This Presentation:

  • Paints a picture of what the future might hold
  • Identifies key trends that are changing the world
  • Provides frameworks for future-proofing children
  • Provides practical parenting advice
  • Helps parents and educators understand the need for solid foundations
  • Unpacks the X-factors for success
  • Explains the role of school and how to get the most out of it
  • Helps parents to set realistic and relevant parenting goals

Future-proof Your Child for the 2020s and Beyond is a talk suitable for anyone involved in raising children primarily from birth to age twelve, including grandparents, educators, support teams and extended family. However, it remains insight for those with teens too who are looking at future careers and subject choices. This talk is accompanied by Nikki’s latest book, Future-proof Your Child for the 2020’s and Beyond (Pengin Random House). Can be converted into a longer more interactive workshop.

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