Talks & Presentations by Nikki Bush

Parenting and Education

I help and inspire parents and educators to raise resourceful, resilient and independent children for the 2020s and beyond.

parenting on the run

A fun and interactive workshop to help pre- and primary school parents with work-life integration so they can win at work and home.

Let Go and Let Grow by Nikki Bush

Parents need to be reminded of the fact that the ultimate goal of parenting is to let our children go – even into this crazy warp-speed world.

Future Proof Your Child Talk

How to raise children to succeed and thrive in disruptive times. A look at industries of the future & X-factors for success.

Tech Savvy Parenting Talk

Parents need to become tech-savvy so that their children can maximise the advantages and minimise the dangers of the on-screen world.

Parenting in Disruptive Times

Nikki show you how to deal with these issues practically, while building trust with your kids, being a parenting hero and keeping your sanity at the same time. Come and be reassured that you can cope with disruption and uncertainty, and so can your children.

BEEPP Talk by Nikki Bush

What the BEEPP Is That?

In an increasingly digital world, screens are finding their way into ever younger hands who need more real than on-screen experiences.

Get Outta Your Head - Talk by Nikki Bush

An interactive, play-based workshop to get you thinking out the box of how you can create memories with your kids as they get older.

In a digital world, fun and learning with real toys is important. This interactive play-based workshop with construction toys provides enormous insight into how children learn.

Divorce is common, but does it always have to be so destructive and messy? If you are thinking about getting divorced and want to go about it constructively so that both parties and the children win

Kids Under 8 Workshop

It’s a demanding time as children in this age group need so much from their parents physically, mentally and emotionally.

Parent or Peerent?

Are You a Parent or a Peerent?

Break the cycle of manipulation, set up a healthy approach to discipline and create constructive communication channels.

Surviving the Teen Rollercoaster

Are you laying on the tracks being run over by your teen, or are you sitting beside them in the rollercoaster cart with your arms in the air going woohoo?

People Ask:

How do I know which of her presentations or workshops to book?

Before you book Nikki, you will have a discussion with her so that she can ascertain your needs and expectations. She will then make a recommendation on which content will best meet your objectives.

What effect is Nikki going to have on my audience?

Clients constantly comment on Nikki’s ability to connect with her audience – in-person or in the virtual world, and to hold their rapt attention for the duration of her presentation. “Nikki talks and the audience sits up and listens,” is something we hear from clients often. Nikki keeps her audience engaged and responding. A very important aspect of Nikki’s presentation style is her relatability.

How do I know which of Nikki’s offerings to book?

Chat to Nikki first, so she can ascertain your needs and expectations. She will make a recommendation as to which content, format and programme – which “Growth Journey” – will best meet your objectives.

What does Nikki do?

As a motivational speaker and author, Nikki helps leaders and teams raise human potential – their own, those around them and their children, through business talks and parent talks.

Does Nikki Bush customise her presentations?

Nikki gets to know each client, organisation and team, and customises her sessions accordingly. Nikki is also adept at reading the room and adapting to the needs of the group in the moment.

Does Nikki customise her presentations for her clients?

Clients appreciate how Nikki gets to know them and customises her sessions. She never makes you feel like just another client – her approach is bespoke to your needs. Nikki is also adept at reading the room and adapts to the needs of the group in the moment.

How will Nikki Bush impact my audience?

Clients constantly comment on Nikki’s ability to connect with her audience – in person or online – and to hold their attention for the duration of her presentation, whatever its format. Nikki knows how to keep her audience engaged and responding, which is how she positively and sustainably influences everyone in the room.

I would love to help you and your team.
Connect with me and let’s chat.