WOMENS DAY ECARDS 2015 - Barbara de AngelisSuccessful women all around the country should take the time to celebrate National Women’s Day on the 9th of August – the day that marks women empowerment in South Africa. In the past 50 years, women’s rights have come a long way due to the courageous and inspiring work that determined women have done to secure and ensure such rights.

For many, National Women’s Day is just another public holiday, but to women who have faced myriad struggles in their lives and to women who are in a position to lift each other up and inspire each other, it is a special day that commemorates the day women took a stand to secure equal rights.

During the Apartheid years, the draconian Pass Laws required all non-whites to carry internal passports known as Passbooks aimed at controlling and segregating the population. On the 9 August 1956, over 20 000 women marched to the Union Buildings in Pretoria to take a stand against this – and that demonstration led to the writing of the Women’s Charter which was ultimately incorporated into the Freedom Charter.

Successful women of today are indebted to those determined women who took it upon themselves to petition against inequality and the unfair treatment. They were a perfect example of actions speaking louder than words when change is needed. This is as true today as it was then.

With more freedom of choice today’s women fulfil many more roles than they did in the past. This has created new stresses for women around how to create work-life balance. In the corporate world and in their personal lives, women are expected to excel and achieve, which requires focus, dedication and a burning motivation/desire to keep moving forward. Motivation and inspiration from other aspiring and successful women goes a long way to ensuring that this is possible.

Are you looking to keep the women in your corporate environment motivated and inspired? Treat them to an inspirational talk by leading corporate speaker, Nikki Bush.

Nikki Bush Motivates and Inspires Women in the Workplace

Nikki Bush is not just another motivational speaker, she is a speaker who truly understands the importance of women empowerment and how it has shaped our culture and nation over the years. Her talks are interesting, thought provoking and will have your corporate team feeling motivated to do more, see more and achieve more.

Women attending a motivational talk by Nikki Bush will leave with the following:

  • New coping mechanisms and skills to excel in their chosen field.
  • Boosted self esteem.
  • Improved understanding of stress and how to better manage it.
  • A feeling of empowerment and excitement.

If you would like to learn more about Nikki Bush’s Women’s Day addresses and talks, take the time to contact her via email or telephone today.