Think. Feel. DO. Hybrid

Broker Talk: What If ‘What If’™ Happens?

It’s #back2theoffice to #collaborate and #cocreateamazing in a new-look hybrid working arrangement. Nikki Bush, business speaker and human potential expert, will help you to reframe this next step in your evolution and the shift in the world of work.

This session will acknowledge the disruption and discomfort this shift may cause in the short term. In her trademark style she will give you practical handles to make the transition easier for you, your family and your colleagues.


  • Reframing – reimagining work and getting your head around the change
  • Mission control – a relook at how you plan and prepare for #back2theoffice
  • Teaming with your team – how to maximise time spent in the office together to #cocreateamazing
  • Shifting your emotional dial to embrace the change and make it work for you
  • High touch leadership in a hybrid world (this will be included if the audience is a leadership team)
  • Traps to avoid
  • Tips to take on board

Nikki Bush is a talented and courageous speaker who connects with any audience by inviting you into her emotional space and sharing her lived experience. She inspires one to immediately take stock and act or change the lens through which you view the world.

Leanne Charles, L & D Manager, Distell

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