Future-proof your child

Managing the fear of ‘not knowing’ in the mists of Covid-19

By |2021-09-20T12:35:05+02:00March 22nd, 2020|Anxiety, Blog, Covid-19, Education & school, Entrepreneurship, Family, Future-proof your child, Life skills, Nikki Bush, stress|

Is everything feeling surreal to you? I have this feeling of uneasiness and I sense a palpable fear, mine and everyone else's. It has been a week of non-stop media interviews, helping individuals and families adapt to working from home, [...]

Empowerment: Develop The Problem-Solving Muscle

By |2022-01-23T20:18:36+02:00February 3rd, 2020|Blog, Empowering Women in the Workplace, Entrepreneurship, Future-proof your child, Independence, Life skills, Nikki Bush, Problem solving, Win at home and life|

Empowerment: Develop The Problem-Solving Muscle. Don't always rescue others, rather help them to develop emotional resilience and stress management skills. Lead your family or your team to empowerment. “We are wired to help others when things go wrong and to [...]

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